Spring morning on Bi Feng Xia Base
  • 6. April 2012
  • Such a beautiful day! Hooray the morning sun struggles through the mist.
    The first rays do me good. I’ll have a nice day. Super!

    Oh, how many twittering friends are flying in the warm breezes!
    Hello! Her up there – sometimes you sing a song!
    Maybe I can get the text and sing with you.
    It would be a nice addition the leisure hours.

     Hmm, hmm, if I can remember the text of the spring song?

    I think the lyrics of the song I know from memory.
    Now only the melody and then it starts.

    Hello neighbor!
    Look at me like that my lips are dry, I moistened with the tongue.

    So, off you go. I have my Maestro rod.
    With this I’m going to pretend the beat.

    “What a beautiful spring morning

    What a beautiful day

    I swing my wings against the sky

    I have been riding on clouds and enjoy blue skies

    What a beautiful spring morning

    What a beautiful day

    La, la, la, la…”

    Song Text by Bu Quan

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